It looks like Nier: Automata worldbuilding. Words literally cannot do Project EVE justice. While there have been some superficial changes made, it’s still the same monster-hunting, energy-sword-slashing, action-packing game as before. It was announced back in 2019, with the first real gameplay trailer being shown in November of 2020. Somehow I’d missed the reveal of Project EVE, which is like saying I’d missed the reveal of a new color or the return of your preferred messiah. After a gyrating stab with the creature’s own mechanical appendage (oh yea I forgot to mention that the demon was also a cyborg), she is grabbed and hurled out the window into space and we see that the space station she was in is also a demon (angel?) and cyborg. The protagonist, presumably Eve, performs a combo finisher on a demon creature that would make DMC Dante weep. Project Eve Could Appease Bayonetta Fans Many would be forgiven if, in the first few moments of the Project Eve trailer, they believed it to be Bayonetta 3. The Project EVE trailer jumps right into the action. I can only describe it as the beautiful fusion of Hideo Kojima and Yoko Taro and Hideki Kamiya. Project Eve is a PlayStation 5 game that stars the titular Eve as she fights to take back Earth following a devastating invasion.

Its been dated to arrive on the Switch at some point in 2022, but there still. A game by Korean corporation SHIFT UP, best known for the Destiny Child franchise (no relation to Destiny’s Child), this latest title has a massive change in tone. Project Eve Could Appease Bayonetta Fans Many would be forgiven if, in the first few moments of the Project Eve trailer, they believed it to be Bayonetta 3. A new gameplay trailer dropped for the upcoming action game Project Eve, which looks like the lovechild between Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, and a little bit of Nier.Project Eve made an action-packed splash at Sonys most recent PlayStation Showcase with a new gameplay trailer, showing the game to be a stylish, futuristic action title. As mentioned, Project Eve looks to be inspired by Bayonetta, putting gameplay first with ‘deliberate’ actions including attack, defense, and evasion while remaining fluid and zestful. Nintendos latest Direct presentation went out with a bang - with the reveal of actualgameplay footage of Bayonetta 3. I’m still struggling with what to make of this Project EVE trailer. A Lot Is Happening In Newest Project EVE Trailer