
Tales of symphonia colette dragons
Tales of symphonia colette dragons

It’s even more hardcore to turn against everything you’ve ever been told and decide that your life does matter, no matter what anyone else says, the way Colette does by the end. It is pretty hardcore to be taught from childhood that you deserve to die and to come out of that experience with any level of hope or kindness. She confides to Zelos in that one skit that she’s actually scared, but she literally never shows that kind of emotional weakness in front of Lloyd or anyone else. She’s kind of the hero of her own story for a while, because it never occurs to her that maybe Lloyd & co can actually save her, or that they would be willing to. The ‘you’re excited? Okay, I’ll be excited too!’ stuff isn’t because she doesn’t have thoughts of her own, it‘s just Colette wanting Lloyd to be able to stay naive and happy. Colette hides a lot of her badassery and her true thoughts from Lloyd (and by extension, the player) but they definitely exist. She tries to ditch him, she lies to him, she hides what she’s going through, and when she fails to keep him safe by leaving him out of it, she instead lets him feel like he’s steering the ship and making decisions so that he can have an adventure (she says she wanted it to be ‘fun’ for him) before she dies.

tales of symphonia colette dragons

She places so much importance on what Lloyd and Genis think because they’re the only people who treated her like she mattered as an individual - and it’s worth noting that she spends the first 1/3 or so of the game trying to protect Lloyd because of this. There is a scene in the manga with Colette as a little kid, where she’s actually bitter and resentful when the village celebrates her birthday, because she sees it as everyone around her celebrating her impending death, although they’re not aware of it. So does everyone I’ve ever met, but I get along with them anyway!’ She’s used to it. Interestingly, one of the strongest stances Colette takes in the early game is when she insists on being friends with Sheena.

tales of symphonia colette dragons

I liked her a lot as a criticism of the trope of the endlessly selfless and cheerful female character - her story makes it obvious how awful and dark that idea really is. I intended to make this a response to one of the comments where someone said they hate her for not having her own thoughts or opinions, but here, I’ll just make it it’s own individual comment instead:Ĭolette has been taught her whole life that her opinion doesn’t matter, and she shouldn’t value herself because she was raised to be a human sacrifice.

tales of symphonia colette dragons

I can say a lot of people, including myself, could relate to that aspect of her character. She's quite realistic as a character in the sense that she can be likened to people who try to APPEAR cheerful but deep inside are that way because they experience a lot of pressure from the expectations of other people and simply don't want to be a disappointment. Her selflessness seems to be a result of people just seeing her as just a chosen - basically a sacrifice, which is why she doesn't seem to value herself as much. She ended up seemingly cheerful and sweet because she doesn't want to disappoint people since she is a chosen. But I eventually ended up really liking her character after a recent playthrough this year.Ĭolette seems really sweet, but her character has depth. I used to quite dislike Colette because during my first few playthroughs of Symphonia many years ago, my impression of her was that she sort of lacked assertiveness and was merely martyr, and I really dislike "cutesy" characters and clumsy characters.

Tales of symphonia colette dragons